Thursday, August 25, 2016

Level Audience Film in Indonesia

Level Audience Film in Indonesia

Level Audience Film in Indonesia

Why some people are crazy about a television event - which in this case I am referring to is the movie - when we do not like at all. Moreover, there is a trend of yore of his films-hose snakes, monsters and magic monsteran-bewitching. Usually likes films of this genre are the mothers or fathers, especially rural communities.

Sometimes they are willing to walk 3 km in the darkness just want to watch movies that are not logical (in the village rarely watch TV so it must ride).

Of deception or monster snake-hose-monsterannya It is clear, it is not realistic and look at all inferior to her film however, demand is not small. Sometimes I see him shaking his head.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sad Love Poems My Hunny

Sad Love Poems My Hunny

1 Sad Love Poems My Hunny 1

Channelling back hobby write love poems. But that does not mean writing poems on the theme and atmosphere as well as other dimensions, because it had always been used to write sad love poems and poetry. But below are specifically for sad love poems. Why the theme sad love poems? Please absorb its contents. 



I cry in my heart, when his tears no longer able to translate melancholy

I really cornered the storm inside, until the cry smarting no longer matters
Even this burden I carried like never willingly die

Lord, my heart is tired ...
Give me Pain Eraser thousand cuts, in order to break my heart forever 


I'm Come Back the Blogger

I'm Come Back the Blogger

I'm Come Back the Blogger
This blog Kapana last update?

What? 2013 !!

Yes 2013. was bleak period in which revenues from online freefall to the bottom, along with the presence of more and more competitors, also from the junior in the Sorcerer Blogger, Blogging spirit-decaying matter.

So the spirit of blogging have a positive correlation with the earnings gained from blogging. Between the years 2011-2013, the online income is at its peak, the term young moon-it's his time. Blogging for Money spirit of the time is very high, even having to pay 3 other authors to compensate spirit.

But at the same time, update personal blogs, social and opinion remains active. Keep up to date although much rarer blog walking, because at that time there was a new toy that started collecting, named Facebook.

Healthy Breakfast for The Body

Healthy Breakfast for The Body

Briefly told about the breakfast or eat breakfast. No question, better known breakfast or breakfast ?. Maybe it depends on us how to interpret the habits that do the bulk of the country of Indonesia, is not it ?.

Breakfast or eat in the morning by doctors and health experts is something that is very important for our health and activity that morning, even though it does not apply to sebagain people.

In fact there sebagain people get problems if you eat breakfast or breakfast. The question is at what you should do eat this morning?

Eliminate Bad Breath

Eliminate Bad Breath

Eliminate Bad Breath
Eliminate Bad Breath, how to eliminate Bad Breath. I created this paper is not to shoot the keyword you know, this is purely because sehar-day experience of meeting people who bad mouth odor.

Ironically, it is sometimes experienced by those who caliber big bosses, but what is hard ya eliminate bad breath. Kan they are able to mejenguk doctor and ask sabab-musababnya, whether they are embarrassed by this condition.

To be wondered that sometimes, a person with bad breath are not aware of its own, whereas seharusnnya condition of a person's body was discovered by the owner of the agency itself.

Once I had the opportunity to interview a leader of state-owned bank, plans to interview about the show got their Corporate Social Responsibility on one occasion. How dongkolnya this heart because she was walkin bad breath odor, until only able to briefly interview.

Farewell Song Peterpan Actual

Farewell Song Peterpan Actual


An outpouring of Heart Before the coffin of the legendary totally immersed. A farewell before the sound was heard by another name ...

Points contest for the loss of millions of people before the year is close your eyes ..

You think Tak Ada Yang Abadi is the last goodbye songs Peterpan band or song Even Out the Light ?, the answer is no and less remembered, was hit in the liver (certainly not the version you). Back twirling archives of old songs from the album Heaven Park to the latest album, cover band Peterpan, A Name A Story.

Just like some of you, we do not want Peterpan dim, then he forced us to agree to change its name to join us tidakkan never seen Peter was dim, but lost when being at the top.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

15 Jenis kejahatan cyber 2015

15 Jenis kejahatan cyber 2015

Serangan cyber dan malware telah menjadi ancaman yang semakin berbahaya bagi para pengguna internet, untuk bersosial ataupun bisnis. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, dan efek yang mereka miliki dapat menghancurkan aktivitas sehari-hari kita.

Untuk itu kita harus dapat menjaga aset TI dengan aman dari kejahatan pelaku cyber yang semakin banyak di dunia maya (cyberspace). Malware sendiri telah datang jauh sejak virus pertam, yaitu 25 tahun yang lalu, dari orang-orang yang menciptakannya.

Masuk ke dalam pikiran seorang kriminal cyber dapat menjadi sangat sulit, terutama ketika penjahat sudah terdapat beragam kelompok.

Berikut adalah 15 jenis penjahat cyber :